After a long hiatus I am back. I promise you won't have to wait months between blogs again, I'm hoping to write a couple of times a week on the trip.
Since I last wrote a lot has happened. I graduated from Ryerson University, won the Ryerson Gold Medal, went to China with my family, visited my sister in England then took a trans-Atlantic cruise on the Norwiegan Epic back home, turned 22 and said goodbye to all my girls at home, who I will miss terribly.
I have also packed and bought all my last minute things...
Here is a list of the clothing that I am bringing:
8 tank tops
1 long sleeved shirt
2 shirts
2 shorts
2 capris
1 pants
1 legging
3 dresses
1 tunic
1 fleece sweater
1 cardigan
2 serong (to double as scarf and towel)
1 anorak
2 sandals
1 pair of flipflops
1 pair of walking/hiking shoe
1 hat
1 pair of sunglasses
1 belt
3 bathing suits
2 bras
10 undies
The rest and majority of my backpack is filled with equipment, toiletries, first aid items and the important random items like a roll of toilet paper, playing cards and a jar of marmite. Plus to make myself feel more like a girl, I threw in 2 insta-dry nail polishes.
Right now I'm in Hilton Head, with my parents and I have just had my favourite meal, my dad's carbonara, so I feel like I'm ready to go. I've said bye to my sister, who I wish could come with me so all that is left is to finish my Stieg Larsson book and say goodbye to my mum and dad.
I've thought about how to write this blog and since it takes a long time uploading photos, i will post my best few shots and then upload all the rest for your viewing pleasure on flickr. The address will be:
so wish me luck!
Love love love what you've done with the blog... looks great! Also, can't believe my backpack is going on another adventure... still looks great though, what a good choice of colour :) One hint: when the bag is beneath your seat in the truck be careful when lifting it out as I ripped a couple of straps that way! Safe flight and look forward to your first blog from Cape Town - one of my most fave cities ever!!